How Can I Make More Storage In My Home?

No matter how large your home is, it never seems to have enough storage. Problems of this nature magnify in confined quarters. Here are 15 ideas to maximize storage in a restricted area.

Easy storage solution drawers and basket bins on book shelf stock photo

When you run out of storage space, it can feel like you’ve hit rock bottom. Each of us has experienced this problem at some point in our lives.

When you need to store something, you realize there is nowhere to put it. You try to rearrange the furniture to make more room, but nothing seems to work. I think you’re going to need more than just the “push it to the side” method for this one.

To learn, just continue reading.

Home Storage

Home storage refers to the various ways of organizing and storing items in a residential space to maximize the use of available space and keep items easily accessible. It can include various types of storage solutions such as shelves, cabinets, drawers, boxes, baskets, hooks, and more.

How Can I Make More Storage In My Home?

Here are some tips for effective home storage:

1. Make Use Of Vertical Space: 

Making use of vertical space is an effective way to maximize storage in your home. You can install shelves on walls to store items such as books, files, or decorative items, or install a tall bookcase or cabinet to store items such as linens, dishes, or clothing. You can also make use of the space above doors by installing shelves or hooks to store items such as hats, bags, or coats.

Additionally, you can use the back of doors for storage by hanging organizers or hooks. By utilizing the vertical space in your home, you can free up floor space and make it easier to find and access the items you need.

2. Declutter Regularly:

Decluttering regularly is an important aspect of home storage. Decluttering means going through your belongings and getting rid of items that you no longer need or use. This can help to minimize clutter, create more storage space, and make it easier to find what you need.

To declutter, you can start by tackling one room or area at a time, and go through each item one by one. You can ask yourself questions such as: “Have I used this item in the last year?” or “Do I have a sentimental attachment to this item?”

For items that you no longer need or use, you can donate them to charity, sell them, or recycle them. For items that are in good condition but no longer serve a purpose in your home, you can store them in a storage unit or a closet, and reassess them later.

Decluttering is a continuous process, and it’s important to regularly go through your belongings and get rid of items that no longer serve a purpose in your life. By doing so, you can keep your home organized and clutter-free.

3. Group Items By Category: 

Grouping items by category is an effective way to keep your home organized and make it easier to find what you need. When items are stored together by category, it helps you quickly see what you have and reduces the time and effort you need to spend searching for a specific item.

For example, you can group all of your kitchen utensils in a drawer, all of your cleaning supplies in a cabinet, or all of your shoes in a closet. You can also use storage containers or baskets to further organize items within a category, such as grouping your socks by colour or type in a drawer.

Grouping items by category can also help you see what items you have too much of, and what items you need to restock, making it easier to keep your home well-stocked and organized.

By grouping items by category, you can create a more functional and efficient storage system, making it easier to find what you need and keeping your home clutter-free.

4. Invest In Multi-Functional Furniture: 

Investing in multi-functional furniture is a smart way to maximize storage in your home. Multi-functional furniture refers to pieces that serve multiple purposes, such as a bed with built-in drawers, a sofa with a pull-out bed, or an ottoman with hidden storage.

For example, a bed with built-in drawers provides extra storage space for linens, clothing, or other items, freeing up space in your closet or dresser. An ottoman with a hinged lid can be used as a seat, a footrest, and a storage container for items such as blankets or books. A sofa with a pull-out bed can serve as a comfortable place to sit during the day and a bed for guests at night.

Investing in multi-functional furniture can help you make the most of the space you have, while also providing additional storage and functionality. By choosing furniture that serves multiple purposes, you can create a more efficient and organized living space.

5. Use Clear Storage Containers: 

Using clear storage containers is a useful way to keep your home organized and make it easy to see what you have. Clear storage containers, such as plastic bins or boxes, allow you to see the contents at a glance, making it easier to find what you need without having to rummage through a pile of items.

For example, you can use clear storage containers to organize items such as craft supplies, toys, or tools. You can also use clear containers to store food items in your pantry, making it easy to see when you need to restock.

Clear storage containers come in a variety of sizes and shapes, so you can choose the right containers for the items you need to store. You can also label the containers to make it even easier to find what you need.

By using clear storage containers, you can create a more efficient and organized storage system, making it easier to find what you need and keeping your home clutter-free.

6. Label Everything: 

Labelling everything is an important aspect of home organization and storage. Labelling helps you quickly and easily identify the contents of storage containers, shelves, and drawers, making it easier to find what you need.

For example, you can label containers in your pantry or fridge with the name of the food item inside, or label the shelves in your closet with the type of clothing or accessories stored there. You can also label drawers in your home office or kitchen to keep items organized and easily accessible.

Labels can be written by hand, printed on a label maker, or created using adhesive labels. When labelling, be sure to use clear, legible writing or printing, and consider using symbols or colour coding for easy identification.

By labelling everything in your home, you can create a more efficient and organized storage system, making it easier to find what you need and reducing the time you spend searching for items.

7. Make Use Of Underutilized Areas:

Making use of underutilized areas is a great way to create additional storage space in your home. Here are some ways to do this:

Under The Bed: 

The space under your bed can be used to store items such as out-of-season clothing, linens, or shoes. You can use under-bed storage containers or even just plastic bins to store these items and keep them out of sight.

Behind Doors: 

The back of the closet and cabinet doors is often unused, but they can be a valuable source of storage. You can install over-door organizers or hanging baskets to store items such as cleaning supplies, hats, or bags.

In The Walls: 

Wall-mounted shelves or cabinets can be used to store items in areas such as your garage, basement, or pantry. This is a great way to make use of vertical space and keep items off the floor.

Above The Refrigerator: 

The area above your refrigerator is often unused, but it can be a great place to store items such as dishes, glasses, or food containers. You can use adjustable shelves or install a cabinet to make use of this space.

By making use of underutilized areas, you can create more storage space in your home without taking up valuable floor space.


In conclusion, effective home storage involves utilizing all available spaces, decluttering regularly, grouping items by category, investing in multi-functional furniture, using clear storage containers, and labelling everything. By implementing these strategies, you can create a more organized and efficient storage system, making it easier to find what you need and reducing clutter in your home.

Whether you’re looking to make use of vertical space, repurpose furniture, or make use of underutilized areas, there are many options available to help you maximize your storage space and keep your home organized.

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